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Business Planning

Whether you're a small startup or an established business, I provide a range of planning options to meet your specific needs - from a one-page business plan to comprehensive plans and strategies. I pride myself on quick turn around times, and unlike other consulting agencies - you won't have to wait weeks to have the work completed.

Costs vary and depend on a couple things, like the size of your business or the level of detail or support you want. I believe in providing affordable solutions for clients, and do my best to work around your budget and goals. During our consultation, we'll discuss your budget, objectives and determine the scope of work needed. Based on that, I can then give you a personalised quote and plan. 

Strategy Execution

I provide Execution Consulting services to assist you in effectively implementing your business and strategic plans. I will help you to develop tailored action plans with tangible steps you can take to work towards your goals. This includes developing set timelines, offering hands-on guidance and support and fostering a culture of accountability to keep you on track. I can help to make your vision become a reality. 

1-1 Coaching

I provide coaching services that focus on your core business issues and opportunities. In doing this, I can help to teach you how to: 

  • Identify key challenges and opportunities

  • Develop a clear vision for the future of your business 

  • Ensure your personal and business goals are aligned 

  • Take a big picture view (i.e., working “On the business”) of your business, independent from and not influenced by your responsibility for the day-to-day operations 

  • Find the right balance between making short-term gains and building long-term value 

  • Manage risk 

  • Ensure there is effective accountability and oversight of the business operations 

  • Improve business systems and processes

  • Improve performance and build the value of your business 

  • Keep accountable and on track 

Get in touch today!

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